Ready to strengthen and stretch your body? Try these five yoga poses for a well-rounded practice. From beginner to advanced, these top five yoga poses have something for everyone. Take your yoga practice to the next level with these challenging and rewarding poses.
1. Handstand (Adho Mukha Vrikshasana)
This pose requires strength and balance as you support your entire body weight on your hands. To enter the pose, start in downward facing dog and kick one leg up into the air, trying to straighten it as much as possible. As you become more comfortable, you can try lifting the other leg off the ground and holding the pose for a longer period of time.

2. Headstand (Sirsasana)
Another pose that requires strength and balance, headstand involves supporting your body on your head and forearms. To enter the pose, start in child’s pose and walk your hands forward until you can place the crown of your head on the mat. From there, tuck your toes and lift your hips up and over your head, using your core muscles to support your body.

3. Pigeon Pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana)
This pose stretches the hips and lower back and is great for relieving tension and tightness. To enter the pose, start in downward facing dog and bring one leg forward, placing it in front of your hands with the knee bent and the ankle near your opposite hip. Slowly lower your hips down towards the ground, keeping your back leg extended behind you. You can use blocks or blankets to support your hips if you are unable to reach the ground.

4. Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II)
This powerful standing pose strengthens the legs and opens the hips. To enter the pose, step one leg forward and bend the knee, keeping the other leg straight behind you. Reach both arms out to the sides at shoulder height, with your gaze fixed over your front hand.

5. Triangle Pose (Trikonasana)
This standing pose strengthens the legs and stretches the sides of the body. To enter the pose, step one leg forward and bend the knee, keeping the other leg straight behind you. Reach both arms out to the sides at shoulder height and then extend one arm down towards your front foot and the other arm up towards the ceiling, forming a triangle shape with your body. Gaze up towards your top hand.

Remember to listen to your body and modify these poses as needed. Always work within your own range of limits and abilities, and seek the guidance of a trained instructor if you have any injuries or health concerns.